
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II
In 2012, Schwartz decried the "foolishness" of reliance on computer models to settle the final design of the aircraft before flight testing found the issues that needed redesign
On 21 April 2009, media reports, citing Pentagon sources, said that during 2007 and 2008, computer spies had managed to copy and siphon off several terabytes of data related to the F-35's design and electronics systems, potentially enabling the development of defense systems against the aircraft
At the same time, Air Force Magazine reported that "Pentagon officials" are considering canceling the F-35B because its short range means that the bases or ships it operates from will be within range of hostile tactical ballistic missiles.
As of the end of 2010, only 15% of the software remains to be written, but this includes the most difficult sections such as data fusion But in 2011, it was revealed that only 50% of the eight million lines of code had actually been written and that it would take another six years and 110 additional software engineers in order to complete the software for this new schedule.
(δηλαδή, το 2011 αποκάλυψαν ότι μόνον το 50% του κώδικα προγράμματος έχει γραφτεί και για να ολοκληρωθεί χρειάζονται άλλα έξι χρόνια!!!)
Focusing his attention on the troubled VTOL F-35B, Gates ordered "a two-year probation", saying it "should be canceled" if corrections are unsuccessful
Some private analysts, such as Richard Aboulafia, of the Teal Group state that the whole F-35 program is becoming a money pit( "όλο το πρόγραμμα F-35 μετατρέπεται σε βαρέλι δίχως πάτο")
As of February 2011, the main flaws with the aircraft are engine "screech", transonic wing roll-off and display flaws in the helmet-mounted display. The current schedule has the delivery of basic combat capability aircraft in late 2015, followed by full capability block three software in late 2016. The $56.4 billion development project for the aircraft should be completed in 2018 when the block five configuration is expected to be delivered, several years late and considerably over budget.
(το αεροσκάφος θα έχει βασική(!!!) μαχητική ικανότητα κατά το 2015(που σημαίνει ότι είτε οι Τούρκοι θα πάρουν από τα τρία το μακρύτερο, είτε ότι θα πάρουν το "φέρετρο" και θα γελάμε καθώς θα σκοτώνονται μεταξύ τους), ολοκλήρωση τουλάχιστον κατά το 2018, και τα 60 δις κοντά ως τώρα θα εκτιναχθούν ακόμα πιο πολύ. Εύκολα κατανοεί κάποιος γιατί ψάχνουν απεγνωσμένα αγοραστές για το χρέπι στο Πεντάγωνο...)
Delays in the F-35 program may lead to a "fighter gap" where America and other countries will lack sufficient jet fighters to cover their requirements.
(Και όσο καθυστερούν βέβαια, τόσο θα μένουν πίσω τεχνολογικά ακόμα και από τους κινέζους που ήδη "απογειώνουν" το J-20 τους)
Former RAND author John Stillion has written of the F-35A's air-to-air combat performance that it “can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run”
Dutch news program NOVA show interviewed US defense specialist Winslow T. Wheeler and aircraft designer Pierre Sprey who called the F-35 "heavy and sluggish" as well as having a "pitifully small load for all that money", and went on to criticize the value for money of the stealth measures as well as lacking fire safety measures. His final conclusion was that any air force would be better off maintaining its fleets of F-16s and F/A-18s compared to buying into the F-35 program (καλλίτερα να διατηρήσουν τα F-16 & F/A-18)
In 2011, Canadian politicians raised the issue of the safety of the F-35's reliance on a single engine (as opposed to a twin-engine configuration, which provides a backup in case of an engine failure). Canada had previous experience with a high-accident rate with the single-engine Lockheed CF-104 Starfighter with many accidents related to engine failures. Defence Minister Peter MacKay, when asked what would happen if the F-35’s single engine fails in the Far North, stated "It won’t"
(Οι Καναδοί το ακύρωσαν. Ένας λόγος ήταν η μονή μηχανή σε αντίθεση με τις διπλές όπου έχεις back up. Όταν ερωτήθη ο Υπουργός Αμύνης του Καναδά τί θα γίνει έτσι και χαλάσει η μονή μηχανή της κάσας, αποκρίθηκε "Δεν θα χαλάσει" ----Σοβαρό επιχείρημα)
In November 2011, a Pentagon study team identified the following 13 areas of concern that remained to be addressed in the F-35:
- The helmet-mounted display system does not work properly.(το head mount στο κράνος δεν λειτουργεί σωστά)
- The fuel dump subsystem poses a fire hazard.(κίνδυνος πυρκαϊάς από το σύστημα απόρριψης καυσίμων)
- The Integrated Power Package is unreliable and difficult to service.(το power package είναι ασταθές και δύσκολο στην συντήρηση)
- The F-35C's arresting hook does not work. (ο γάντζος για τα αεροπλανοφόρα ΔΕΝ λειτουργεί σωστά, είναι κοντός)
- Classified "survivability issues", which have been speculated to be about stealth.(Δεν έχει stealth ουσιαστικά, κίνδυνος επιβίωσης στο πεδίο της μάχης)
- The wing buffet is worse than previously reported.(η πτέρυγα είναι χειρότερη από όσο περιμένανε)
- The airframe is unlikely to last through the required lifespan.(το πλαίσιο δεν αντέχει όσο απαιτείται στο πέρασμα του χρόνου)
- The flight test program has yet to explore the most challenging areas.(το πτητικό του πρόγραμμα ακόμα δεν έχει φτάσει στα όρια του)
- The software development is behind schedule.(το λογισμικό έχει μείνει πίσω)
- The aircraft is in danger of going overweight or, for the F-35B, not properly balanced for VTOL operations. (Είναι υπέρβαρο ενώ το κάθετης απογείωσης προσγείωσης είναι ανισόρροπο)
- There are multiple thermal management problems. The air conditioner fails to keep the pilot and controls cool enough, the roll posts on the F-35B overheat, and using the afterburner damages the aircraft.(το κλιματιστικό δεν κρατάει τον χειριστή δροσερό, ούτε τα χειριστήρια, το after burner κάνει ζημιά στο αεροσκάφος... Πολύ γέλιο)
- The automated logistics information system is partially developed.(Το αυτοματοποιημένο λογισμικό πληροφοριών είναι ημιτελές)
- The lightning protection on the F-35 is uncertified, with areas of concern. (Δεν είναι αλεξικέραυνο! )
The total lifecycle cost for the entire American fleet is estimated to be US$1.51 trillion over its 50-year life, or $618 million per plane. (Πάνω από ένα ΤΡΙΣ δολάρια το κόστος! Κάθε μονάδα θα κοστίζει 618 εκατομύρια δολάρια!!! Μπράβο Τούρκοι ψωνίσατε από σβέρκο πάλι)
Andrew Krepinevich has questioned the reliance on "short range" aircraft like the F-35 or F-22 to "manage" China in a future conflict and has suggested reducing the number of F-35s ordered in favor of a longer range platform like the Next-Generation Bomber (δεν κάνουν για σύγκρουση με Κίνα, ίσως θα πρέπει να το παρατήσουν)
In 2008, it was reported that RAND Corporation conducted simulated war games in which Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighters defeated the F-35 (Το Su-35 και όχι το σύγχρονο Su-50 το ξεφτίλισε)
Ας δούμε τί λέει ο ξένος τύπος για το F-35, το λεγόμενο και "κουβά".
Pentagon: Trillion-Dollar Jet on Brink of Budgetary Disaster
F-35 - a trillion dollar disaster
F-35 failure forces countries to reconsider contracts
Air Force grounds F-22 fleet yet again
(η ΠΑ των ΗΠΑ εδώ "κατεβάζει" το άλλο σαπάκι, το F-22 Raptor(Bankruptor θα έπρεπε να ονομάζεται)
All F-35 and F-22s grounded
Subject: Another F-35 Failure
'Αλλο ένα παράδειγμα που προσδιορίζει το πρόγραμμα F-35 ως αποτυχημένο.
Η Τουρκία αγοράζει 100 αεροσκάφη F-35, ύψους 16 δισ. δολαρίων
Με παράδοση το ...2015 και έχει ο γιαχβέχ...
Canada may cancel F-35 purchase
The future of Dutch plans to buy dozens of JSF fighter jets is in doubt on Tuesday after it emerged a majority of MPs think the agreement should be scrapped.
F-35 mission failure; but too big to fail
Apparently Lockheed Martin forgot to design the tailhook on the Navy’s version of the F-35 correctly, and the aircraft cannot land on aircraft carriers. The tailhook, it appears is too short to catch the arresting wires on the deck of the ship. (πολύ κοντός ο γάντζος για προσγείωση σε αεροπλανοφόρα!)
F-35 may develop failure of English in Japan of high tension
A Technological Fantasy
The Self-Dismembering F-35
The problems with the F-35 are not limited to its cost.
As a fighter, the F-35 depends on a technological fantasy. Having failed to develop in the 1950s, the 1960s, and the 1970s an effective (and reliable) radar-based technology to shoot down enemy (not friendly) aircraft "beyond visual range," the Air Force is trying yet again with the F-35, like the F-22 before it. Both have the added development of "stealth" (less detectability against some radars at some angles), but that new "high tech" feature and the long range radar have imposed design penalties that compromised the aircraft with not just high cost but also weight, drag, complexity, and vulnerabilities. The few times this technology has been tried in real air combat in the past decade, it has been successful less than half the time, and that has been against incompetent and/or primitively equipped pilots from Iraq and Serbia.
(Λόγω του ότι υποτίθεται ότι είναι stealth---τεχνολογία ξεπερασμένη από τα συγχρονα ραντάρ--, έχει γίνει κασέλα στην πτήση, βαρύ, χωρίς ελιγμό, "φέρετρο" κανονικό. Βασίζεται σε "φανταστική" τεχνολογία, ανεφάρμοστη, είναι απάτη.)
If the latest iteration of "beyond visual range" turns out to be yet another chimera, the F-35 will have to operate as a close-in dogfighter, but in that regime it is a dog. If one accepts every aerodynamic promise DOD currently makes for it, the F-35 will be overweight and underpowered. At 49,500 pounds in air-to-air take-off weight with an engine rated at 42,000 pounds of thrust, it will be a significant step backward in thrust-to-weight and acceleration for a new fighter. In fact, at that weight and with just 460 square feet of wing area for the Air Force and Marine Corps versions, the F-35′s small wings will be loaded with 108 pounds for every square foot, one third worse than the F-16A. (Wings that are large relative to weight are crucial for maneuvering and surviving in combat.) The F-35 is, in fact, considerably less maneuverable than the appallingly vulnerable F-105 "Lead Sled," a fighter that proved helpless in dogfights against MiGs over North Vietnam. (A chilling note: most of the Air Force’s fleet of F-105s was lost in four years of bombing; one hundred pilots were lost in just six months.)
(Είναι χειρότερο στην οδηγισημότητα και από το F-105 στο οποίο σκοτώθηκαν κάπου 100 χειριστές σε έξι μήνες! Το F-35 είναι χειρότερο! Πόσους θα φάει αυτό; Δεχόμεθα στοιχήματα)
Nor is the F-35 a first class bomber for all that cost: in its stealthy mode it carries only a 4,000 pound payload, one third the 12,000 pounds carried by the "Lead Sled."
As a "close air support" ground-attack aircraft to help US troops engaged in combat, the F-35 is too fast to identify the targets it is shooting at; too delicate and flammable to withstand ground fire, and too short-legged to loiter usefully over embattled US ground units for sustained periods. It is a giant step backward from the current A-10.
(Για υποστήριξη χερσαίων δυνάμεων είναι πολύ γρήγορο και άρα δεν δύναται να διακρίνονται φίλιοι και μη στόχοι_κάτι που έγινε πολλάκις στο Αφγανιστάν, στο Ιράκ όπου οι αμερικλάνοι βαράγαν στο γάμο του καραγκιόζη και σκοτώνανε τους δικούς τους! Μετά έλεγαν ότι το έκαναν οι Ταλιμπάν... )
...The 2,456 models of it on order for the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps will ultimately replace almost all tactical aircraft now in our inventory, except for the F-22, for which production beyond 187 aircraft was cancelled this past summer... (το έτερο "ιπτάμενο φέρετρο", το F-22 Bankruptor... 187 σαπάκια βγάλανε και το κόψανε. Τέρμα. Στον κουβά τα δις εξέλιξης, και στις τσέπες των μαφιόζων)
The Truth About the Useless F-35 & F-22
F22 Raptor Exposed - Why the F22 Was Cancelled
Trillion-Dollar Jet Wasting Your Tax $
F-35 Lightning II: Too Expensive, Too Few, Su-35 Bait? Part 1
Military expert Pierre Sprey, the founder and designer of the F-16 & A-10 Warthog airplanes, Explains why the f-35 will not cut it on the modern battlefield.
F-35 Stealth Program Too Big To Fail
Για να δούμε και ο ανταγωνισμός...
Su-35 "Super Flanker" (το Eurofighter το παίζει, το F-35 ξεφτιλήστηκε από δαύτο)
'Russian Stealth' 1st public flight: Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 at MAKS airshow
Russian 6th generation MiG Skat UCAV - Beyond 5th gen Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA
MAKSimize It: 'Russian Stealth' PAK FA T-50 debut wows Moscow air show
1080HD Chinese J20 Maiden Test Flight Video 2011-01-11
China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Test Flight With Various Maneuvers
Και οι δικοί μας
HAF F-16 Block 52+
F-16C Block 52+ Advanced - "Zeus" Demo Team - Hellenic Air Force - Air Show Radom 2011 - Poland