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Saturday 1 May 2010

Προωθήστε το παντού!!!

Πρόκειται για το κείμενο της Ο.Ε.Α. http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_26.html μεταφρασμένο στα Αγγλικά


Urgent Signal of Russian and Greek National and Economical Security

G.H.REES Prytaneum – Group of Hellenic Reestablishment – Athens

The Russian Government
The Russian Embassies
The Russian National Security Services
The Leadership of the Russian Armed Forces
The Officers of the Greek Armed Forces
The Men of the Greek Police Force
The Men of the Greek Secret Service
The Russian Webpages and “Mass Media”
The Greek Webpages and “Mass Media”
The Members of the Greek legislative (Parliament) – Executive (Government and Ministries) – and Judicial Power of Greece._

Athens 24.04.2010

Devious and definite subversion of the Russian and Greek National and Economical Security under the commands of NATO Economical predatory robbers of the “International Monetary Fund” (IMF), of the “European Commission – Government”, of the “Central European Bank”, and of the Houses: «MOODY’S» - «FITCH RATINGS» - «GOLDMAN SACHS» - «J.P. MORGAN» - «BLOOMBERG» - «NOMURA INTERNATIONAL» - «CREDIT AGRICOLE» - «CAPITAL ECONOMICS» and rest, with executor of this subversion the treasonous government of “PA.SO.K.” and with partners of this subversion the rest political parties of the Greek Government and the entirely corrupted Greek Judicial Power.

Complete destruction of the Russian and Greek National and Economical Security from 15 until 21 May 2010, namely directly after the sign of the Governing of Greece by the NATO twin “IMF” and “European Union”.

Only solution for the salvation of the Russian and Greek national and Economical Security: The invasion of the Russian Army in Greece for the expulsion and the destruction of the NATO bases and command HQ’s in Greece, the armed revolution of the Greek armed forces, of the Greek police, of the Secret Service and of the Greek citizens, for the expulsion and the biological execution of all the Greek traitors, defrauders – thieves politicians of all the Greek Parliament parties, and for the expulsion of the treasonous “NATO” and “European Union” from Greece, and the Russian Industrial investments in Greece.


After the definite anymore announcement of the entry of Greece to the Governing twin “IMF” and “European Union” from 15 until 21 May 2010, this “NATO” twin has already announced that it will reconsider the entire development programming and the entire international economical agreements of Greece. This as first consequence will have for the Greek-Russian Agreements of the Oil and Natural Gas pipelines the same result which had the invasion of “NATO” in Romania and Bulgaria, namely the cancellation of the Greek-Russian Energy Agreements, same as the cancellation of the Romanian-Russian and of the Bulgarian-Russian Energy Agreements, according to the treasonous announcements of the two presidents of those two countries, of the 1st and 15th February 2010 accordingly. This Agreements Cancellation will essentially provoke the Economical Blockade of the Exportation of Russian Energy Products to the West and will provoke the unilateral dependency of the Russian Energy Exports from China, with all the consequences that have been analyzed to the classified report of G.H.REES to the Russian Embassy - Athens in 17.02.2010.

In continuation because “IMF” have pre-announced the reduction of the number of personnel, of armament, of military camps, and of the defense budget of the Greek Army, of the Police Force, and of the Secret Service, with the rule of the general reduction of public servants and of public spending for 30 – 50%, this will mean the reduction of the already deficient Greek Army, of the Police Force, and of the Secret Service, for 30 – 50% and therefore means weakness of the Greek Army, of the Police Force, and of the Secret Service, to ensure the Greek National Dominion over the today’s Greek Territories from the already announced assertions of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis countries (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) for the avulsion of Greek Territories, of the North – Western – Central Greece and Aegean and Ionian Islands, to the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis. Therefore it is certain the assault of the Mongolian “B.A.S.T.R.” axis against Greece according to the scheme of the Chinese Hyperlodge “HONG” and of “NATO” for the conduct of World War 3 with purpose the complete devastation of Greece and Russia, as have already been analyzed in the G.H.REES documents published in the webpage http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/ due to the Geostrategic inevitable military engagement of Russia for the interception of the Military Assault of “B.A.S.T.R.” in Balkans against Greece, and against the Russian interests.

Even in case of temporary or permanent postponement of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis Assault against Greece, Greece under the commands of “IMF” will suffer abjection and robbery of its Underground Minerals Resources, of its Agricultural Territories, of its Public Organizations, of its Tourism Territories, and of its rest resources, as “IMF” did in Zambia of Africa, were “IMF” arbitrarily and predatorily confiscated all of the Copper Mines of this Rich African Country and delivered them to Anglosaxonic Copper Monopolies, inducing Zambia to today’s situation of complete abjection.


With this or another way, the “NATO - IMF” and the “NATO - European Union”, after 15 until 21 May 2010 as a date of signing the surrendering and introducing the political and military occupation of Greece by “IMF” and by “NATO” will destruct entirely the Russian and the Greek National Security and Economy.

As only solution for the deterrence of the above mentioned complete destruction of Russia and of Greece by the Anti-Hellenic “NATO” in the planned by “HONG” World War 3, is the above mentioned solution of SUBJECT 3, namely the invasion of the Russian army in Greece through Romania and Bulgaria.We call Russia to militarily involve in Romania – Bulgaria – and Greece, in order to create Industrial and Agricultural investments for the absorption of 1.5 million Greeks sinecurists lazy partydogs Public Servants, and to integrate Greece to the Russian Federation with idiomorphic regime of increased military – police and economical autonomy and political and foreign policy semi-autonomy.

The Russian Army, the Greek Army, the Greek Police, and the rebellious Greek citizens, from today 24 April until 15 May, have time limit of only three weeks, namely only 21 days to overthrow the corrupted Greek Legislative – Executive – and Judicial power, and to integrate Greece as Semi-Autonomy State under idiomorphic regime to the Russian Federation for the dignified and safe living of Greeks and of Russians.
After 15 May this would be impossible, because “IMF” and the “European Union” will send to Greece American and European occupation army and occupation police and will discharge, and dissolve and immobilize completely the Greek Army, the Greek Police, and the Greek Secret Service, in a situation of unofficial occupation and complete disarmament, in order to be impossible the defense of Greeks against the armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis and against the 450.000 armed Albanians pseudo-immigrants which will be released for the genocide of Greeks in Spring or in Autumn of 2010.

The Greek Webpages and “Mass Media” that will not coordinate and will not reproduce the spirit of the present signal, will be considered as treasonous with the analogue consequences of moral and biological extermination.

From the Greek Webpages and “Mass Media” to be underlined that until today 24 April 2010, treasonously, deviously, and covertly, all the Parties of the Greek Parliament concealed the Russian Offer – Support of 19th March 2010 to Greece for unlimited intergovernmental lending with interest rates 2% - 3%, instead of the 15.5% of the European Profiteer markets (namely 3% + 6% = 9% of the interest of 10-year bonds + 6.5% insurance of the lends of Thursday 22 April 2010 for Greece), and instead of the 5% of the depredatory interests of the twin “IMF” and “European Union” for Greece.

Read relevant LINK of 19th March 2010 of the Russian Offer in the Greek Webpage: http://www.defencenet.gr/defence/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=11308&Itemid=131 (The one and only “Mass Media” in Greece that broadcasted this news item!!!)


Eliminate now the treasonous – defrauders – thieves of the Greek Legislative - Executive – Judicial power and throw out of Greece the traitors and blackmailers enemies of yours from “NATO” and “European Union”.

Russian Brothers,

Invade with your Russian Army in Greece, in order to expel the murderous “NATO” and the “European Union” from Greece – Romania – and Bulgaria. If you do not act like this now, then you will not survive because from 15 May 2010, “NATO” and the “European Union” will strangle through Greece the National and the Economical and the Military Security of Russia, and you will die, all you the Russians from hunger and from the engagement of Russia in the 3rd World War according to the stratagem of the Chinese “HONG”.

We call the Russian Government to re-send urgently to all the International and Greek “Mass Media” and Greek Authorities its Offer, of 19th March 2010 for low-interests rate lending and for Industrial Investments to Greece, and to re-send it especially with the note that:

“After this Russian solution to the problem of Greece, Greece will be no more forced to appeal as Economical – Political – and Military prisoner to the “IMF” and to the depredatory interest rates 5% of the “European Union” and of NATO”.

In case the Greek Government will not accept in a timeline of 3 days AND this second Russian Support Offer, then it will be proved without a doubt that in the Greek Government there is a “NATO” deceit for the Economical blockade and for the Economical and National – Military Destruction of Russia and of Greece, therefore the Russian Army must invade in Greece for the expulsion of “NATO” and of the “European Union” from Greece.

Our representative in Volos, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis, announced to us that he donates his house in Volos to the Russian State, in order to be converted as a Consulate and as a Harbour Office of Russia in Volos.

Through our selves, our representative in Volos, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis, demands from the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Citizenship as additional Citizenship besides the Greek one.
Same wise, through ourselves, he appeals for Russian Diplomatic Immunity and Russian Legal Protection, considering the fact that already the Treasonous “NATO” pseudo-Greek Authorities are moving for his multiyear imprisonment, due to his ANTI-NATO and PRO-RUSSIAN actions.

The same additional Russian Citizenship, Russian Diplomatic Immunity from the Russian Embassy in Germany, and Russian Legal Protection is asked for the Greek Citizen and Germany habitant, Mr.Apostolos Papanakos, who through his Webpage http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/ , informed with thousand e-mails the Greek Authorities, the Greek Webpages, and the Greek “Mass Media” for the treasonous and subversion role of “NATO” and of the “European Union” against Russia and against Greece, and for the Support – Offer of Russia in 19th March 2010 to Greece through the representative of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr.Andrei Nesterenko, with result Apostolos Papanakos to turn against him the furriness of the “NATO” Authorities and of the treasonous Greek Government.


Prytaneum G.H.REES Athens.
Through the server of the G.H.REES messages
Of the G.H.REES Magnesia Readership
Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis
Elpidos 12 – Nea Ionia
Volos, Hellas

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